As different as in the sea: from small to large and from discrete to a dazzling explosion of colour Easy to clean and quickly removed, a new ambience consistently occurs Through individual design in terms of variety, form and colour the creation of a very personal, unique biOrb is possible. True-to-life, high-quality workmanship and firm stance Exclusive design of the renowned Samuel Baker Luminous pink eye-catcher for the perfect underwater illusion Perfect for the decorative sheathing of the air tube, thanks to the opening on the bottom of the sculpture intended for this purpose 360 degree model: nice to look at from all sides Fantastic sculpture for staging your household underwater theatre
Dimensions (L x W x H) cm 13.5 x 10.7 x 22.5 Suitable for freshwater Yes Suitable for saltwater Yes Net weight kg 1.07 CUBE only 60 TUBE from 30 LIFE all FLOW only 30 CLASSIC from 30 HALO from 30