Dennerle Catappa Bark comes from the Indian Tropical Almond tree. They create water conditions just like some fish such as Discus, Tetras and shrimps have in the wild. Looks great when used for natural aquarium decoration. Contains 8 pieces, sufficient 160 litres of aquarium water.
Features of Catappa Bark:
• Natural water conditioner, adding elements to the water which tropical fish are accustomed to from their wild habitats. These include Discus, Tetras, Catfish, and some freshwater shrimps.
• Especially recommended for heavily stocked aquariums with lots of fish, shrimps, and plants.
• Strengthens and protects the mucous membrane.
• Boosts disease resistance and prevents infections.
• Improves health of fish, shrimps, and plants.
• Look excellent, giving a natural look in biotope set-ups.
• Easy to use.
Dennerle Nano Catappa Bark is of a high quality and is 100% safe for use in your aquarium.
• Contains 8 pieces.
• Use 1 piece per 20L of water.
• If used with catappa leaves, try 1 piece per 40L (test water regularly).
• For best results, replace or add (safe to leave old ones in for natural décor) every 2-3 weeks.
• Sufficient 160 litres of aquarium water.
• Approximately 80mm long.