The Eheim 2076 is suitable for Freshwater and Marine applications
Comes complete with all hoses, pipes, fittings, spray bar and pre-filter drip tray.
Uses Eheim 16mm internal hose for both inlet and outlet
Filter motor is 24v but filter comes complete with 100-240V 50-60hz input transformer, and UK 3-pin mains connector.
Filter media is NOT included - Media Required: 2L x Ehfimech + 4L x EhfiSubstrat Pro
This filter comes complete with 1x Eheim Coarse Blue foam + 1x Eheim Poly pad
3 Year Manufacturer's Guarantee
New touch pad interface for electronic micro-processor controlled filter.
Just set your required out-put and the electronics will do the rest - for all types of aquarium; tropical, marine and planted.
6-Function Electronics:
Output Control - Maintains constant set output automatically, adjusting for filter media blocking
Boost Function - By simply pressing a button the filter switches to maximum turbo filtration
Flow Regulator - Finger tip control of the flow rate.
Service Check - At the touch of a button the filter calculates the time remaining till the next cleaning interval.
Pulse - Electronically controlled alternating flow rate creating a wave like effect.
Self Test - Automatic testing and removal of trapped air.