Support sick and stressed fish for a happier and healthier aquarium community. With built-in pH buffer to support a healthy balance.Reduces physiological stress for healthier fishStabilises water quality to support your aquarium's balanceThis must be one of the most helpful treatments for any aquarium-keeper to have on-hand.A healthy salt/fluid balance is crucial to a fish's wellbeing. When stressed or sick the salt/fluid balance can be disturbed which further threatens the fish's health.Aqualibrium First Aid Salt is a unique physiological salt formula which helps freshwater fish maintain a constant internal salt-fluid balance. Aqualibrium First Aid Salt additive is an incredibly versatile water treatment .and can be used in a number of ways:As a general aquarium tonic.As a mild pH buffer.To help minimise the physiological effects of stress on your fisj.As a supportive measure when treating diseases.To reduce the toxicity of Nitrite.Use to support your aquarium community's immune system to minimise the effcts of fish stress and when using medical treatments.