Clear the sludge and enjoy your aquarium once more. Beneficial bacteria clear away sludge for a healthier and clearer aquarium. Removes harmful waste for a healthier aquarium. Reduces aquarium maintenance. It's natural but it's not nice we're talking about sludge of course. This build-up of excretion left-over food and dead plants creates an ugly sludge blocking up your filter media and is a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria.
But it doesn't have to be like this. Sludge Buster helps reduce the build-up of sludge in your aquarium. It contains a pure culture of safe essential bacteria to tackle sludge head-on. These bacteria act like an army of workers breaking down the sludge and clearing your aquarium turning it back into a clean and healthy environment for your aquarium community.
1ml of Sludge Buster treats 36L of water.
Pack size: 50ml container.