Use Microbe-Lift/protectant to calm reduce losses ease stress and protect fishes aquatic invertebrates and amphibians following illness transportation and/or aggression from tank or pond mates. microbe-Lift/protectant is a salt-free formulation.Microbe-Lift/Protectant helps detoxify free (unchelated) heavy metal ions (e.g. Copper) which are often present in municiple tap waters as well as in aquariums or ponds that may have been previously treated with certain medications.Micro-Lift/Protectant when used at its standard dosage will not adversely affect the micronutrient concentrations of metal ions (e.g. calcium iodine strontium iron and molybdenum) essential for some plamt and invertebrate health.Microbe-Lift/Protectant may be used to complimetn bath treatment of medicinal dyes (e.g. malchite green and acriflavine) and antibacterial 9e.g. nitrofurans and tetracyclines).