Clearwaters is a new blanketweed treatment from Nishikoi. Unlike many of the blanketweed treatments readily available Clearwaters works not only fast but will stop algae and blanketweed returning.
-Available in a 1 litre tub that will treat 10,000 litres (2,200 gallons)
-Measuring scoop included
-Safe for use with UV lights
-A fool proof way of getting rid of blanketweed, the retailer has a huge benefit in that it will work
-Results within 2 weeks
-Clearwaters is an HSE approved product
Clearwaters contains Monolinuron, when dosed correctly it will not effect plant life. Care should be taken when introducing the product to the pond and the end user should endeavour to avoid contact with lilies.
There is not another treatment currently available that will work like Clearwaters.
Blanket Weed, or sometimes known as string or filamentous algae is a common problem in many garden and ornamental ponds.
It thrives on warmth, sunlight and nutrients within the pond water and can make the pond look unsightly. It also chokes the growth of pond flora and fauna and in severe cases fish, especially Sterlet species, can become tangled within it and drowning them.
Ultra Violet Clarifiers and filters cannot reduce this algae leaving the pond owner to utilise a reliable blanket weed treatment.
The most effective treatment for blanket weed (string algae), slime algae and nuisance duck weed and utilises monolinuron, a fast and proven algaecide which is completely safe for use in all ornamental ponds.
The use of ClearWaters Blanket Weed will provide on-going care for your pond which is achieved with ClearWaters cultivated beneficial bacteria, which helps keep your pond clean and the return of the blanket weed.
ClearWaters Blanket Weed does not contain added metals such as copper or zinc. It dissolves quickly and your pond water does not take on a white or milky appearance which can cause stress to fish and neither does it settle and build up on the pond bottom.
Because ClearWaters Blanket Weed does not contain metals there can be no long term detrimental effect on fish, molluscs, water plants and wildlife. It can safely be administered to ponds containing all species of pond fish and is also harmless to frogs and other animals such as birds or pets that may drink from the water.
ClearWaters Blanket Weed is effective in water temperatures down to 4 degrees centigrade and makes this product a successful treatment to fight filamentous algae in the early spring, throughout summer and until late autumn.
Add 25ml of ClearWaters Blanket Weed per 500 litres of pond water (110 gallons). Mix the solution in a bucket or watering can and distribute evenly over the pond surface concentrating on the pond edge and water courses where blanket weed often grows in abundance, but avoid direct contain with beneficial water plants such as lily leaves.
Repeat the process again in 14 days in order for the solution to work most effectively.
After the second treatment its is suggested that the dead algae is removed from the pond bottom in order to avoid excessive biological oxygen demand and nutrient build-up. This can be done manually with a fine scoop net, with a pond vacuum cleaner and with the regular in spring and summer use of ClearWaters Sludge Remover.
On day 28 of treatment, add 25ml for every 2000 litres (440 gallons) and repeat every 2 weeks thereafter. By doing this, you will achieve a better looking pond than ever before.
ClearWaters Blanket Weed is safe to use with ultra violet clarifiers and biological filtration systems, and there is no need to switch off UVC's during the treatment process.
Do not overdose and store this product out of the reach of children in a temperature between 4 - 32 degrees centigrade.
For use in ornamental ponds only. Do not inhale and prevent contact with eyes and skin. Always wash hands after use.
ClearWaters Blanket Weed solution and other ClearWater treatments are available from all participating Nishikoi stockists in the following pack sizes:
ClearWaters Blanket Weed 1000ml - Treats 10,000 litres / 2,200 gallons.