Aquarium Starter Pack:
The Aquarium Starter Pack includes two essential products, Tap Water Safe and Filter Starter, designed to kickstart your aquarium journey and create a safe haven for your fish.
When to Use:
Initial Setup: Begin by thoroughly washing and arranging your aquarium gravel, decorations, and equipment. Once everything is in place, fill your aquarium with tap water.
Tap Water Safe: Add 5ml of Tap Water Safe per 25 liters of water to the aquarium. This step is crucial for removing harmful elements from tap water, ensuring your aquarium is safe for your fish.
Setting Up: Switch on the lights, filter, and, if you're starting a tropical aquarium, set the heater to a temperature between 22-25°C. Ensure the water reaches the desired temperature before proceeding.
Adding Fish: Once your aquarium water is at the correct temperature, you can introduce a few fish. Consult your fish retailer for recommendations on the best fish to add to your new aquarium.
Filter Starter: On the day you add fish to your aquarium, administer 5ml of Filter Starter for every 25 liters of aquarium water. Repeat this dosage after each water change. Follow your fish retailer's instructions when adding fish to your aquarium.
Feeding and Water Quality: During the first month, it's essential not to overfeed your new fish. Feed them only once every other day, offering 2-3 granules of food per fish. This cautious approach ensures the filter matures properly. Monitor water quality twice weekly using NT Labs Test Kits, particularly for ammonia and nitrite. Conduct 25% water changes weekly for four weeks, always using Tap Water Safe to condition the replacement water.
With the Aquarium Starter Pack, you have a well-defined plan to establish a thriving and healthy aquarium. By following these steps and maintaining water quality, you'll create an environment where your fish can flourish.