NT Labs Aquarium Filter Starter is a live culture of filter bacteria which is designed to work instantly and get the filter going. It will remove ammonia and nitrite and help maintain a safe environment for all aquarium livestock. Use in new aquariums, during filter maintenance and to boost water quality. Available in 20ml, 100ml and 250ml sizes.
Treats up to
20ml sachet
100ml bottle
250ml bottle
1,250L |
NT Labs Aquarium Filter Starter is to be used for the following:
• Setting up a new aquarium.
• Resolving ‘new tank syndrome’.
• To reduce help reduce ammonia and nitrite and boost water quality.
• After water changes.
• When the filter has been cleaned or media replaced.
• ‘Kick-starting’ new filters.
• After using any disease treatments which may have affected the filter bacteria.
New aquariums need time for the 'friendly' bacteria to establish themselves and start working to remove deadly ammonia and nitrite from the water. Elevated levels of ammonia and nitrite are caused by waste produced by fish, the breaking down of other organic matter and the lack of beneficial bacteria in a filter system. The bacteria breaks down this waste, removing ammonia and nitrite making the water safe for fish, plants, and other inhabitants.
Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to all fish and should be at zero at all times.
Product Information:
• Recommended for: tropical and coldwater aquariums.
• Treatment type: liquid live filter bacteria, containing Bacillus megaterium, B. pumilis, B. licheniformis, Paenbacillius polymyxa, Nitrosomonas spp., Nitrobacter spp., and Nitrospira spp.
• Suitable for new set ups, routine maintenance, reducing ammonia and nitrite.