Aiptasia are polyp-like creatures, usually introduced by corals or live rock in marine aquariums. Aiptasia look unsightly and can harm corals by outcompeting them for space and food. This NT Marine Anti Aiptasia treatment is a contact solution to these unwanted organisms and is also effective on the closely related Majano anemones. The solution is pesticide-free and doesn't adversely affect water quality.
How to use:
- Check your water quality before use.
- You can leave SuperCarb and Phopshate Remover in place during use.
- Keep skimmers and UV filtration switched on if present.
- Shake the bottle until the Anti-Aiptasia becomes cloudy.
- Assemble the tip and syringe, and fill the syringe with Anti-Aiptasia.
- Place the tip near the aiptasia and slowly depress the plunger. The aiptasia will normally withdraw once treated.
- Do not apply directly to corals.