Octopus Wood: A Unique Addition to Your Aquarium - Sold As Single Piece
Enhance the beauty and uniqueness of your aquarium with Octopus Wood, a stunning and distinctive piece of aquatic décor. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when using wood in your aquarium:
Buoyancy: Many types of wood are naturally buoyant and may initially float in your aquarium. To overcome this, soak the wood to make it waterlogged, allowing it to sink. Alternatively, you can temporarily weigh it down using rocks or anchors until it becomes sufficiently waterlogged.
Tannins Release: When introducing wood into your aquarium, it may release tannins, which can give the water a cognac-like appearance. This is a natural process that mirrors what happens in natural rivers and water systems. You can control the tannin levels by conducting frequent water changes or by using products like Seachem Purigen in your filter. Importantly, tannins are not harmful to aquarium organisms.
Tannin Removal: If you prefer to avoid the initial release of tannins, you can boil the wood in water for several hours to reduce tannin leaching. Alternatively, you can soak the wood and perform water changes until you achieve the desired water clarity.
Mould and Biofilms: During the initial stage, you may notice the appearance of moulds or biofilms on the wood's surface, resembling white fungus. If this occurs, use a small tube to scrape and suction it out regularly. Typically, these will naturally disappear within a month after the initial setup.
pH Level: It's important to monitor the pH level in your aquarium, as certain types of wood can have an impact, potentially decreasing the pH level in the water.
By carefully considering these factors and properly maintaining your Octopus Wood, you can enjoy the unique and captivating addition it brings to your aquarium while ensuring the well-being of your aquatic inhabitants.